FIFA22 新版FMM补丁导入和编辑工具v1.0.6 ALPHA 3[10.27更新]

时间:2021-10-28 来源 浏览:

里面有两个工具一个是编辑工具FIFA Editor Tool 1.0.6ALPHA 3(主要提供给喜欢DIY的玩家编辑和制作MOD用),一个是MOD补丁添加工具FIFA Mod Manager 1.0.6ALPHA 3(打补丁必须用到的工具)

v1.0.6ALPHA 3更新日志:
- Added support for launching games on other platforms (EA Desktop, EpicGames, and Steam)
- Added the ability for the Editor to apply exported mods located in "Mods/<selected_profile/"
- Added options menu to the Mod Manager
- Added a "Show only replacements" option to Mod Manager's Actions tab
- Moved the Mod Manager's launch command arguments into options menu
- Moved the Mod Manager ini configs to the new json system
- Renamed the Mod Manager's "Profiles" to "Packs"
- Fixed an issue where the Mod Manager would crash when applying a mod using a custom handler and another using a third party method.
- Fixed an issue where the Mod Manager wasn't properly detecting if the applied mods list stayed the same between launches
- Fixed an issue where an sdk couldn't be created for Battlefield V

- Added "LaunchPlatformPlugin"
- Added icon support for the Data Explorer Context Menu Item extension
- Modified the CustomEditorExecution extension into ExecutionActions (Example within the TestPlugin project)

- The launch platform plugin can have issues when swapping between multiple platforms in quick succession

Keep in mind this is in alpha. That means there will be a lot of crashes and bugs, and will take some time before it's in a stable position.

更多相关内容请访问:《FIFA 22》专栏

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